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Speccheri Lake, a majestic dam and incredible colors of the water, from intense blue to emerald green

A majestic dam and incredible colors of the water, from intense blue to emerald green … do you know about Speccheri Lake? It can be reached from a couple of trails, challenging and with a significant height to climb. You go down to the shore of the lake, which opens up a range of wonderful colors when you’re near. The view from above is also very impressive. For the more adventurous, the path to descend along the lake is absolutely recommended. It won’t leave you disappointed!

San Colombano Lake

This beautiful lake, behind the dam on the Leno River, is a few kilometers from Rovereto in a mountain gorge. Its colors, from midnight blue to emerald green, depending on interaction with the sky and are something truly wonderful. It’s easily accessible but few know its beauty.

Ledro Lake, enchanting colors and scents in every season of the year

A turquoise jewel where the peaks of the Ledro Alps are reflected

Are you looking for a small gem with beautiful colors, a corner where you can enjoy relaxation with a good book and a nice swim, as well as a historical study on how primitive men lived? Ledro Lake is an excellent answer for all this and much more.

Haven’t you been lucky enough to go on this excursion yet? Don’t miss this post for some interesting ideas.

Avio Castle, Stronghold at the Entrance to Trento province

Who among you has never passed on the motorway from Verona to the north and been left open-mouthed when, suddenly, like a sentinel, this magnificent jewel of the feudal past comes into the view?

Avio Castle has always been the beacon welcoming travelers approaching Trento province from the south and is a wonderful example of charm, memory and beauty.

Curious and ready to welcome some interesting ideas?

A fine example of an early medieval Alpine stronghold: Rovereto Castle

It rises majestically on the rocky spur right where the Leno River flows into the city. Rovereto Castle has an interesting history, and it became the seat of the wonderful Italian War History Museum starting in 1921. Do you know this beautiful example of an alpine castle in the heart of Rovereto? For interesting ideas and to rediscover its history, don’t miss this post.


One of the most precious pearls of Trento province.

A beautiful excursion in western Trento province, under the Adamello mountian group and in front of Carè Alto peak! Are you ready to get to know landscapes that you have been able to admire only on postcards of Trento province?

Close your eyes and reopen them only when you feel the breath of infinity … in Val di Fumo!

People often talk of filling their eyes with the beauty of Italy. Trento province and its wonderful mountains are part of their daydreams. We want to take you sailing on these breathtaking landscapes with our posts.

Val di Funes, the most beautiful and famous postcards of the Dolomite Alps of Trentino Alto Adige

Do you know about Val di Funes? It’s certainly not one of the best known valleys in Trentino Alto Adige, but once you reach the foot of the Odle Dolomite Alps, the breath of infinity is a certainty. Are you ready to sail on a kaleidoscope of alpine colors, from the green of the conifers, to the blue of the sky, and to the pale pink of the Dolomite Alps at sunset? Let’s start in the mists of time, at the origin of the majesty of these rock groups that are famous throughout the world.

Oriente Occidente Dance Festival

Do you know about the most evocative contemporary dance festival? Dance teaches values ​​such as passion, sacrifice, beauty, pain, and love. These and countless others are the emotions that the Oriente Occidente Festival in Rovereto will give you.

Apple Strudel – The original recipe from Trentino – Alto Adige

Do you know about Trento province apple strudel? No?!?! It’s a typical dessert here, but its roots are far away.

Lancia Mountain Refuge Cabin, a place where nature has ennobled the places of the Great War

We insert it with knowledge in our First World War front line refuge cabins. Some refuge cabins in the lower Trento province area were in fact the protagonists of the period in which the front line between Italy and the Austro-Hungarian Empire divided souls, families and traditions for unfortunate national objectives. Planning or just dreaming of excursions to remember and retrace the places of the fighting is an indelible sign of a wish that conflicts of this nature may never happen again. These aren’t so much proposals for itineraries from refuge to refuge, but these are day trips on paths that run alongside forts, penetrate trenches, enter tunnels and fortified gun emplacements up to the battlefields.

 Do you know the Lancia Refuge cabin on Alpe Pozza is a few kilometers from Rovereto?

Krapfen, Baked Donuts (without filling)

Are you ready to steal the secrets of our chef Adriano? Today we prepare the famous Krapfen in the oven!

 Would you already like one?  Let’s start with this gem that nobody should forget to taste when coming to Trentino Alto Adige! When you return home, you can make them, with the secrets of our Chef Adriano. Ready?

MART – Museum of modern and contemporary Art of Rovereto and Trento

Coming to Trento province and not stopping to see this pearl of modern and contemporary art is a pity … an integral part of MART is the Depero Futurist Art House.
