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Lancia Mountain Refuge Cabin, a place where nature has ennobled the places of the Great War

We insert it with knowledge in our First World War front line refuge cabins. Some refuge cabins in the lower Trento province area were in fact the protagonists of the period in which the front line between Italy and the Austro-Hungarian Empire divided souls, families and traditions for unfortunate national objectives. Planning or just dreaming of excursions to remember and retrace the places of the fighting is an indelible sign of a wish that conflicts of this nature may never happen again. These aren’t so much proposals for itineraries from refuge to refuge, but these are day trips on paths that run alongside forts, penetrate trenches, enter tunnels and fortified gun emplacements up to the battlefields.

 Do you know the Lancia Refuge cabin on Alpe Pozza is a few kilometers from Rovereto?

A bit of history…

The Lancia Refuge is located in the heart of the Pasubio mountain group and was built on the remains of a former Austro-Hungarian barracks. From here to the Papa Refuge, it takes just over three hours. Like the whole Pasubio area, it was the scene of skirmishes, fighting and bloody battles for three years. The southern Trento province territory, which became line between the two armies, was the subject of the dispute between Austria and Italy. For this reason, the Vincenzo Lancia Refuge and its strategic location, is the ideal starting point for numerous historical and naturalistic excursions.

The origin of this evocative refuge cabin can be substantially traced back to the last century when groups of skiers from Rovereto loved to climb Alpe Pozza to enjoy the splendid and abundant snow present at high altitude. At that time, the refuge did not exist. These young sportsmen used the Pozza hut as a place of rest and shelter. The hut, however, was not sufficient for their needs, and the famous Rovereto mountaineer Amedeo Costa was the first to think about and build the current refuge cabin, dedicating it to his friend Vincenzo Lancia (founder of Lancia Automobiles, who had died shortly before).

The Lancia Refuge was inaugurated on 28 October 1939, in the presence of the highest authorities of the time.

Where to start …

The main access way is the road that goes from Giazzera (a hamlet of Trambileno) to Malga Cheserle hut, and then on foot along forest path number 101. Along the way lies a gigantic boulder with the inscription welcome to the kingdom of the Pozza. The travel time from Malga Cheserle hut to the refuge cabin is around an hour. The refuge cabin, at 1825m altitude, is located in the meadows of Alpe di Pozza, and from there, you can admire the surrounding landscape and the following peaks: Col Santo 2112m, Col Santino 2122m, Monte Testo 1998m, and Monte Corno Battisti 1761m.

For those who are interested in the Great War, Monte Corno Battisti represents a place of unmissable memory. It was the scene of the famous capture of the irredentists Cesare Battisti and Fabio Filzi. On the dirt road that goes from Giazzera to the Lancia refuge cabin, it’s an easy trek from Malga Cheserle hut to the refuge.

In winter, the climb to Col Santo is a classic mountaineering ski destination.

The landscape in front of the refuge is wonderful but gives its best especially in spring, with the flowering of crocuses and mountain primroses, and in autumn with the explosion of flames on the larch trees. Are you still at home or are you already flying on this beautiful excursion?