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3 Things to do in Trento, awesome Things to do in Trento and Trento Province

The Buonconsiglio Castle: majestic and incredible.

It’s a Renaissance residence, equal in beauty to the most noble of rich central Italy. It’s an architectural construct built over the centuries, by adding new buildings or reinterpreting existing works of the most important bishop princes; making the castle more fashionable and functional every time.

The original keep of Buonconsiglio, the symbol of the castle, was built at the beginning of the thirteenth century, with defensive functions. Together with the adjacent Castelvecchio, it was the residence of the first bishops. Don’t miss the splendid Venetian loggia, the bishops’ room on the top floor. The magnificent Torre Aquila and its cycle of frescoes are an admirable example of international Gothic.

S.A.S.S. – Underground Archaeological Space of Sas

The ancient Roman city of Tridentum, splendidum municipium, as the Emperor Claudius defined it in 46 AD, lives underground in the medieval district of “Sas” in the historic center of Trento.

Two thousand years of history and 1,700 square meters of Roman city in a fascinating and evocative setting are the result of archaeological excavations on occasion of the Social Theater restoration. Below the road system, various ducts related to an articulated sewer network have been brought to light. Living spaces in parts of houses, floors decorated with mosaics, rooms with underfloor heating systems, courtyards, a perfectly preserved well, and a glassmaker’s workshop are visible.

From the remains visible today, the access towers to the city with the surrounding wall take shape, and it’s thus possible to walk the streets, visit the artisan shops, and even enter the domestic rooms of the houses embellished with precious mosaics. A real journey back in time.

MUSE – Trento Science Museum

This incredible jewel, of which Trento province is very proud, was Designed by Renzo Piano and inaugurated in the summer of 2013. It immediately won the epithet of Best Science Museum for families with children in Italy. Incredibly fascinating for adults and children, it’s an unmissable destination for those who are staying in Trento province.

It isn’t only a museum of science, nature and natural history, but also geology, paleontology, technology and botany. Its contents are geographically centered on Trento province. For this very reason, the history and life of the mountains are the absolute protagonists of a large part of the exhibition. However, you will also be fascinated by much more, such as the tropical greenhouse and the space for science to be experienced firsthand.